
By admin March 3, 2023 In Website Development

5 Common mistakes to avoid when building a website

A website is the face of a business that lets a particular target audience know what the company is all about.

A responsive and user-friendly website can significantly impact your conversion rate and sales. It can help online users to make the buying decision in your favor.

Therefore, you must keep different factors in mind while creating a website that can help you achieve desired business results.

From navigation to responsiveness to speed, you have to focus on different areas during website development.

You have to put yourself in the user’s shoes and analyze things accordingly.

Imagine if you land on a cluttered website with poor navigation, then will you stay on it for too long? Obviously no.

Thinking from the customer’s perspective will help you build a results-driven website that will help you reach your target market efficiently.

Here are some of the common mistakes that you must avoid while building a website.

Neglecting User Experience

One of the most common mistakes that website developers make is not focusing on the user experience. There are differnet things that you need to consider to provide a good user experience to website visitors.

Firstly, you have to ensure that a website is mobile responsive and working properly on all devices. Test a website again and again to check that website is perfectly appearing on tablets, laptops, desktops, and smartphones without any issues.

With billions of smartphone users across the world, there is a huge need for a mobile-friendly website.

According to a statistical study, around 60% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, and 92% of users access the internet through mobile phones. It shows the significance of a mobile-friendly website.

If you do not have a responsive website, then you can lose massive web traffic and possibly conversion opportunities too. Therefore, making your website responsive is a must.

On the other hand, you also have to pay attention to the website speed as it can also hugely impact the user experience.

If a website is taking too long to load, then it will be difficult for you to increase the web traffic. Ideally, the website load time should be 4 seconds.

To improve website load time, remove heavy images. It would be better if you could compress the size of the images before uploading them to the website.

Another thing that you must consider to provide a good user experience is to incorporate a clear call to action. It should clearly guide users about the action that you want them to take.

Whether you want to communicate about making a purchase or filling out a contact form, ensure that everything is clearly explained and integrated.

Not Following SEO Practices

Eventually, all entrepreneurs want their websites to rank at the top of Google. But if you are not making your website SEO-friendly, then it can be difficult to attain good search engine visibility.

To make a website SEO-friendly, you have to keep track of different things. Firstly, you have to ensure that your website design is responsive so users can connect with you from all devices.

Second, you must improve your website load time which is already mentioned above. A fast-running website has a good chance of ranking at the top of Google, and it also reduces the bounce rate.

Additionally, you must take the right steps to make your website design SEO-friendly. Make your website content easy to read for the users.

Keep the overall design of pages simple and improve the readability of the content. Also, keep paragraphs and sentences short. It will significantly impact your search engine rankings, as search engines always value appealing content.

Using Low-quality or Irrelevant Images

Graphics are the most significant part of the website design, so you have to ensure quality in this area. A website design portrays your brand values. If you are using poor or irrelevant images, then it can drive away your potential customers.

Using appealing and relevant images will properly convey your brand message and improve engagement.

You have to ensure that graphical content is not overloaded on the website. It can confuse your target audience, so try to keep things simple that can compel users to take the right action.

Not Focusing Website Security

Another common mistake that businesses make is not taking the right measures to secure their website. An unsecure website is at the mercy of hackers. If a website is hacked, you can lose valuable business information that can also affect your credibility.

To keep your website secure, you have to focus on different factors.

Firstly, use relevant security tools that can help you identify potential security threats. You can choose free tools with proven track records.

Another thing you can do to improve your website security is to use a strong password for the back-end system. It will make it difficult for hackers to exploit the vulnerability of a weak password.

It is also suggested to regularly maintain the backup of your site. Keep a backup of core files, content, and databases. Additionally, install updated plugins, so your website security can not be compromised.

Poor Navigation

One of the most important aspects of any website is navigation. If your website has navigation issues, then you will not be able to achieve good results from it.

Users like to access websites where they can instantly find their desired information. If your potential customers are not able to quickly find the relevant page or details, they will abandon your website.

Keep your navigation menu easy to find and understand, so users do not face issues in finding anything. It can be frustrating not to find the search bar or navigation menu on a website. Therefore, do not forget to thoroughly inspect the navigational aspects before making a website live.


A website can make or break the game for any business. It is crucial to know about the crucial website development factors beforehand to avoid common mistakes. It will positively impact your search engine rankings and help you achieve ROI-driven results.

A responsive and functional website can help you increase your leads, so it will create more opportunities for you to close sales.

Hopefully, this post will help you understand the common web design and development mistakes.

If you want to have an error-free, functional, and responsive website for your business, then get in touch with us. Our team will respond to your queries and provide you with essential assistance for your next project.